Monday, January 11, 2010

Deployment day looms

First, I'll start off with holy god it is freezing outside, and in here. First day that it's broke 30 degrees. For some odd reason our heater just can't keep up and is stuck at a measly 65 degrees. So deployment is coming up, orders just got cut today. February 12th 2010, on or about. Means he'll miss Christmas, again. He missed Elizabeth's first Christmas, was here for her second and third. Amazingly she's only two years old. Okay so where this whole thing got to, i've read a few military wifey blogs around, and most of them are in their early 20's there or about, with no children. I guess I'm the "cliche" army wife, who got married at 18 and was pregnant a month later. That's right, monkey was a total surprise, but she's been one every single day of her life so why stop now? I did work outside the home, even my entire pregnancy, the whole 2nd deployment, and for a good bit there while he was home. I guess I just realized, I have my whole life to work, it's not biblical to retire, you should always be striving for something else in the stage of life that you're in. I'm sure I'll work while he's deployed this time. Just to keep my self busy. Hopefully I'll be able to find a job in this economy but if not, if all else fails, I'll still have a job here. I really need to find some friends. My bestest moved back home, hopefully she'll be moving closer to me this coming year. We're army wife warriors together. We've both survived deployments and raising children all alone. But this go around, I'll truly be alone... I'm staying here at Fort Campbell for the duration of the deployment. Everyday, seems more like a stupid choice. Why on God's green earth did I pick to live here, alone, for a year? We'll see how it goes.
Here's to hopes of finding a job!


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