Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'll start off with wishing every one a Merry Christmas! Hope everyone's holiday went well. Our's exceptionally well because the kid got way more than she needed, and so did we!  10 INCHES more than we needed That's right folks the good  ol' North Carolina foothills got ten inches of snow, and to proove it...

That is halfway through it, and the front door. It was more than I'd ever seen.
Yupp I'm a good ol southern gal, we don't see snow, we see ice and when ice comes, the power goes, along with all the milk and bread in the region. Luckly, my dear mommy and I had headed to the neighborhood wally world the day before the big blizzrd! So here we are stuffed into my parents all too small apartment, like sardeens. Suprisingly I haven't stabbed anyone to date, but check with me tomorrow, the news could change and the picture  might too... It could be a mug shot! Until then I'll just show you the beautiful pictures of my family this holiday, in the snow!
Little Izzy in her second snow, but the first big one!
BTW I got smacked in the face with a Giant snow ball and it made my gum bleed. Thanks asshole husband with really good aim. Not all of us can be expert marksmen!

And last but not least
The Family Tree.
Yeah you get the gist of it..

So, as for news, if you haven't seen Brothers, it's a good watch.
Brittany Murphy died of cardiac arrest and was laid to rest on Christmas Eve, may her family be in all of our prayers
That's it for today,
God Bless Ya'll

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good rainy afternoon

So i've changed my blog name, and it's relative sanity as well. today I feel like moving my computer in front of the window, but I know if I do that I'll have to move my ENTIRE living room around and I'm just not in the mood for that. My  husband is gone for pizza, sounds like the garage door now... It's Sunday, so that means football in this house. hoot hoot, my excitement can barely be contained. I am still on my vidration binge. I don't know why but this water is really better that regular water. If it's better for you than regular water, that's up for debate. But, I never eat or drink anything because it is good for you. How I'm still able to walk around and not be as big as a house, you got be, good genetics maybe? So I've done a little research and I've realized that most blogs have some kind of a point to them. Mine, however, does not. So I'm going to make it a point to think of a good base line for this thing. Before it turns into a monster. As of right now, no one really reads this so it's mostly just my outlet so I don't go insane. So, my 7 almost 8 year old nephew, lets call him Leroy (old childhood nick name, don't ask, because I really don't know.) So Leroy is the biggest little football fan in the world, and just happens to be the biggest fan of Pittsburgh Steelers, who happened to loose to the Cleveland Browns the other day... yeah this should be a blog about football season for the non-football fan, but moving on, before they lost to the Browns, they lost to the Oakland Raiders, yes, the Raiders. O.K. yes I did call him and rub it in his face on how his team is just suckin the big one this year. But mind you, he called me and did his little victory dance when they went to to the Superbowl and won last year. Now me, being from the GREAT state of North Carolina am an AVID Carolina Panthers, and UNC fan. Don't dog us Duke, cause guess what, YOU LOST! I don't know why I have a hate for Duke, my parents are Duke fans and I was actually accepted to Duke University back in the day, never once thought about going to UNC the cheaper of the two schools. Maybe because my husband is the biggest UNC fan in the world. Every t-shirt is a UNC t-shirt, every hat is a UNC Hat. Now when I go out I look for UNC stuff. It's totally funny that my husband isn't even from North Carolina, he was brought there by his loony toon nut case parents, if you can't tell I hate them. I hate his entire crazy ass family, even the ones that married in. You're all fucking stupidly crazy! Me, being born in North Carolina, my parents as well as their parents and theirs etc etc... I have a strong hate for people who call them self Carolinian, and are from like New York or something! You New Yonkey. That's my mix between Yankee and New Yorker, all the same, go back! But his parents, working class type, moved here for a good job. They had 4 natural children and one adopted (took in from the streets) child who is restarted. No I'm not kidding. Are broke, on the verge of bankruptcy and repo every single day, now that all four children have moved out, sorry got kicked out... what kind of mother kicks their kid out on the street? This one... bitch much. One brat moved back in with her half breed Mexican bastard, and yes the father is illegal... WOW. Then one brat moved in with us, this little girl was the baby and handed absolutely everything in her life, because she was daddy's little princess. This kid never did wrong, even when she went to a hotel with 7 guys she didn't know and was the only girl there. Now maybe if you come from a decent place where the kids are good this may not seem so bad to you, but we're in an army town. A room full of 18 year old soldiers. Brilliant move wasn't it? Then the dumb bitch thought she got the clap from a toilet seat. Oh yeah.. Long story short, she got married about six months ago, she's 18 he's 19 going on 2, he won't let her work... this is a prime marriage don't cha think? The next brat is married to the biggest 19 year old woman I've ever met in my entire life. I mean this bitch is HUGE. If I had a picture of her, I surely would put it up so you could get the grand scale of her fat ass. I mean like 400 pound huge. Well, my hubbs and his brother have had there outs, once when he called me a whore, and the next time where he wished I would die in a car crash, lets wish death, OH that's such a grown up card. His mother is completely over emotional and gets that way every single chance she can. Oh she's such a whiner. So long LONG story short his family are a bunch of stupid corn fed mid westerners.  I must let this one out.... I just saw the most preschool move that I've ever seen in my life and I would post the video but I don't want to get sued by the NFL so you'll have to just trust my words. One guy on the Titans got pushed down after the play was over. So another Titan came over and pushed the pusher down. Like really? How old are you? I can just see it, guy got tackled, got up pissed and pushed the tackler down, and one other guy came out of no where and pushed the pusher down. How old are you? I can just see my two year old doing the same exact thing. Wow. OK I'm totally done now, I'll shut up. Until I find something else I find totally irritating or irrationally funny.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

As the world turns.... and the cookies bake...

As I wait patiently for my chocolate chip cookies to bake slowly in my oven, I was thinking. After slamming all the dishes around in my kitchen, I wondered how many "I'm Sorry's" is just too many? Now those of us who are lucky enough to not be married to grown men, instead we're married to toddlers trapped in a man's body. A man who then throws a fit in wal-mart because he wants a kit-kat... really? Then five seconds later comes the I'm sorry. It seems like every day I am lucky enough to receive at least two to three I'm sorry's. How about this one for a change, don't do anything to be sorry about. I am so sick and tired of raising two- two year old's. I mean one with a tantrum is enough, I really don't need two of you. I wonder how many of you out there in blogger world feel the same way I do. That's how this whole thing got started in the first place, I have no one to talk to, no one who'll listen and value my opinions. Just because I have resorted to saying peese instead of please, and baby talk half the day, doesn't mean I'm any less of an adult with an adult mind who needs to speak their peace.  I am so very tired of the words "I'm sorry" and I banish you from my vocabulary, from now on it's just gonna be, tough titty said the kitty.
The cookies are done, i'll be back.

Shut up about Tiger already!

OK, so on with my early morning to me rant... I was watching Chelsea again last night, around midnight I would say and yet again, who did she talk about, I'll give you a guess... Don't worry I'll wait..... Yupp Tiger Woods yet again. Now homie is taking an indefinite break from golf, as if golf has anything to do with him and his marriage issues, but he's leaving what has made him his millions. Doesn't make any sense to me, but hey who am I? The lonely and very unsophisticated army wife who sits with her days on facebook and blogger, and her nights with Chelsea and lifesaver gummies. Anyway onto what this was about to begin with, Tiger is leaving golf for an estimated time of we don't freaking know. I don't know about you guys out there in blogger world but this is really starting to get on my damn nerves, shut up about Tiger Woods already! Isn't there something else that is more news worthy? I mean they've got two year olds reading now and we're all into Tiger Woods business.
Anyway that's it for right now, i'm sure i'll be back with more later on tonight


Friday, December 11, 2009

Sweet Difficulty.

Yeah, how come they have to make this whole background/template what the hell ever it is called so freaking difficult?
O.K back to the daily grind... So after sweeping my all tile floors and if you want a mental picture, imagine living in the mental hospital, You got it, there it is. My husband so kindly bought me for our anniversary, so kind so kind, a shark steam mop. Now this thing is 'supposed' to clean your floors as well or better than a regular mom without the chemicals or a bucket. If you feel the need please by all means google. What I think of it? I think its a super powered iron. Yeah it does to a pretty good job, but not as well as a mop and some bleach will do. Yeah, it's a lot less headache and a lot less money in the long run when you keep buying more and more cleaning products, but I was raised old school if it don't smell clean it ain't clean. This doesn't make anything "smell" what so ever. Good thing or bad thing? That's up to you to decide. How does it clean? Well it's a lot like a swiffer mop but without those little nifty cleaning clothes expensive little nifty things. They do smell good, but they leave your floor really sticky. The Swiffer mop? That thing kills animals, now I never said I was the next great PETA lover or anything, but it's kind of discouraging to mop your floors and have a dead pet. So, anyway at the end of the day, yes it does to a pretty good job, would I have spent 65 dollars on it? Hell no, but I wasn't the one who spent 2100 on a vacuum either. The little pads to pick up some nasty lookin stuff, go down white and come back grayish... I do have to say, i don't have to wonder if my feet are black anymore. That will be my peace on the Shark Steam mop, until later when I feel the need to gripe about something else.

Shoes and Tiger Woods

Ok so HOLY CRAPOLA man, you can design your own freaking shoes now days, and they don't have the 500 buck price tag. Yeah so I was googling what I can make for dinner when I have peas and chicken, and nothing else, and I came across shoes of prey... I mean really? That takes like all the fun out of shoe shopping, trying this style on and saying no this doesn't fit my ankle or no this makes my toes look weird.. You pick your shoe type, what type of toe, heel, strap if you want one, color, fabric... what has the world come to? Now, I'm not saying this isn't the best idea ever as I sit in my pink furry slippers, but where is the fun in it? If I wanted to be a shoe designer I would be a shoe designer, but no, I want to be a shoe lover, the person who spends entire paychecks on shoes, but hey that's just me.

Moving on to news, if you can call it news.
I was laying in bed last night, just like the regular person watching E! and guess who's on, YUPP, my favorite person ever, Chelsea Handler... This woman is hilarious, how she got to the top being that funny, you got me... But she was STILL talking about Tiger Woods, his Swedish nanny wife chasing after him with a golf club (forget the irony no pun intended) Lol, anyway... why are we still talking about him and him not being able to keep his wiener in his pants? Has the world become that boring that we must pry into someone Else's love life, or lack there of to get our kicks? I mean so what, he IS the whitest black boy you have ever met, and yeah so what he boinks porn stars, if you could get a birdie so would you.. BUT on the other hand, wouldn't you cheat WITH the Swedish nanny not on the Swedish nanny? I mean this woman is gorgeous, and he can't stay happy with her, it's not like she had kids and blew up like a Macy's day balloon or anything... Like some women I know (Shannon George.) Sorry to name drop, not like you know her or want to know her. Anyway, this woman is gorgeous to say the least which proves it to me that no man can stay happy with any one single woman without being able to keep his dick in her or his pants. Having seen my parents both have affairs, and some in my own marriage, not gonna name drop here, what is the entire point of being married? No one can stay happy and if they are happy, the other is cheating on them. Now that is a power punched sentence. Now you look back let's just say 60 years, those people have been happily married for years, the women stayed at home and had babies and turned the blind eye to their husbands extra marital fun, yet are still together and happy about it. The days without therapy, Prozac, or the women working movement. Without Eharmony, hot or not, or facebook. Is it just me or is there just too much shit crowding the relationship of two people? What happened to the days where people met on chance, and no they weren't prefect for each other, but they loved each other for who they were and not for what they weren't. Take Eharmony for example, they match you on many dimensions of compatibility... where the hell is the fun in that if you agree on everything? I thought that was half the point of having "another half" If your "other half" is a carbon copy of you... isn't that just you in a different body? As I sit here and sip my Vidration, waiting on the oven to heat up so I can bake my frozen pizzas, I look at my husband in disgust... that's the fun in it. Some days I want to kill him and some days I just want to hug him, today's not one of those days but hey... you never know what day it's gonna be and that's the fun of waking up to another person everyday.. talk to me tomorrow and I'll tell you if I feel like smothering him with his stupid pillow. Wow that was one big ol' ramble but the point of the story, leave poor Tiger and his cheating ways alone, let the family figure out what is going to happen next without every single channel telling us all about it. Don't get me wrong, I do pick up the trashy rag mags and read them selfishly. We all want the life style of the rich and famous, but this goes to show you, weather you have the life style of the rich and famous or the life style of the barely getting by, we all have our problems, they just have more money to throw at each other... we just don't have enough to divorce each other.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

And the recovery

As I promised, I would get to this GOD awful war in a minute or two, so here I am. Lets hit it shall we?
What do I think, OK
As an American, I think it's bullshit.
As an army wife, I think it's bullshit.
As a mother, I really think it's bullshit.
OK, now that I'm done with my bullshitting lets move on I'm gonna go ahead now and fess up, I don't live in New York, I've never been to some fancy writing class that makes me uber witty and smart. In fact, I didn't go to college at all, I live on post housing that the government pays for and lets just go ahead and say it they're some stingy mother fuckers. So don't get all hateful with me on my opinions that's the only freedom I have left that I can afford! So, lets break it down with some facts, yesterday afternoon I was reading the Army Times at my kitchen table and I literally almost fell out of my chair when I was faced with these numbers... Here we go, no turning back now....

We're just gonna start with the Iraq war, I'm sorry we're not at war with them are we... we're just there, getting shot at and blown up, but that's not war, no no...

Since War began (3-19-03) 4,368
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5-1-03) 4,229
Since Capture of Saddam (12-13-03) 3,905
Since Handover (6-29-04) 3,509
Since Obama (12-1-09) 140

Ok, so now we know the numbers of the boys over there, what about the boys over here?
On average in the U.S. there is 18 Veteran suicides a DAY.
I don't know if you noticed but my husband keeps coming home with more papers saying don't leave your buddy to suffer alone. I won't even go into the Afghanistan war right now because frankly it's late and my back hurts and I'm already pissed off. Now, before you start thinking oh this broad is oh so unpatriotic, no that's not it at all, I don't know about you, but it's kinda hard on a marriage and on your kids especially when daddy or mommy is around one year and gone the next and sometimes don't come back. What do you explain to your children then? Mommy or Daddy died because they're hero's? I don't know many Iraqi war veterans that think they are hero's. Now, if you are one, and you disagree, by all means GREAT for you! You should think you're a Hero. What about PTSD, a really good movie is out in the theaters today, and It's called "brothers." I think it really gives you a REAL glimpse into a service members spouses daily life. The dreaded door bell, and if that door bell never rings, what to do once they come home? Nights of cold sweats, the 1000 yard stare... Once I actually caught my husband sleeping in his boots, nope not because he was way too tired to take them off, he just forgot where he was. That says a lil don't cha think? If you're home for any amount of time and you "forget" where you are... NOT to mention that Obama has NEVER not once served in any of our armed forces. Hey, just a little food for thought. As for tomorrow, we'll just have to wait and see. Won't be too long before this turns into my husband's deployed for the 3rd time and it's bullshit blog.

You caught me...

Very well, you caught me thinking... So I was googling partial birth abortions. Why, don't ask me... I'm depressed eating gummy life savers (haha) because my mutt dog just died. So, I read up on some past news papers articles and whatta know, Obama and Hilliary Clinton SUPPORT partial birth abortion... OK, lets take a step or two back. First of all no one said that I particularly like Obama or any of his plans per say but this one really gets under my skin... we'll get on "oh I'll get them out of this war." in just a minute. Just so we're all clear on what a partial birth abortion is, and this is my blog so I'm just gonna say it how the hell it is, it's nasty and gruesome and the mothers should have to do it awake, fully alert, with no pain medication... but the world isn't perfect now is it? Anyway, what happens is, the mother decides I don't want this baby after all (past the second trimester I beg you) So the docs put this stuff on the cervix to make it dilate over a few days of course, lets not make anyone uncomfortable... then, flips the baby into a breech position, pulls the child out by the feet, STILL ALIVE MIND YOU, and then sticks a big vacuum cleaner hose into the back of the ALIVE babies neck and sucks the child's brain out so that the head can easily fit through the cervix, remember no pain here.
Now this is what I ask, what would be a good reason for a doctor, mother, president etc. to allow this to happen?? Rape, Sexual Abuse, or just a plain old one night stand? I'm sorry I have morals, I don't think any life should be given or taken, for it's not ours to give or take now is it? Last time I checked I don't walk on water so I don't have any say so... But I spoke my peace

You caught me.