Friday, December 11, 2009

Shoes and Tiger Woods

Ok so HOLY CRAPOLA man, you can design your own freaking shoes now days, and they don't have the 500 buck price tag. Yeah so I was googling what I can make for dinner when I have peas and chicken, and nothing else, and I came across shoes of prey... I mean really? That takes like all the fun out of shoe shopping, trying this style on and saying no this doesn't fit my ankle or no this makes my toes look weird.. You pick your shoe type, what type of toe, heel, strap if you want one, color, fabric... what has the world come to? Now, I'm not saying this isn't the best idea ever as I sit in my pink furry slippers, but where is the fun in it? If I wanted to be a shoe designer I would be a shoe designer, but no, I want to be a shoe lover, the person who spends entire paychecks on shoes, but hey that's just me.

Moving on to news, if you can call it news.
I was laying in bed last night, just like the regular person watching E! and guess who's on, YUPP, my favorite person ever, Chelsea Handler... This woman is hilarious, how she got to the top being that funny, you got me... But she was STILL talking about Tiger Woods, his Swedish nanny wife chasing after him with a golf club (forget the irony no pun intended) Lol, anyway... why are we still talking about him and him not being able to keep his wiener in his pants? Has the world become that boring that we must pry into someone Else's love life, or lack there of to get our kicks? I mean so what, he IS the whitest black boy you have ever met, and yeah so what he boinks porn stars, if you could get a birdie so would you.. BUT on the other hand, wouldn't you cheat WITH the Swedish nanny not on the Swedish nanny? I mean this woman is gorgeous, and he can't stay happy with her, it's not like she had kids and blew up like a Macy's day balloon or anything... Like some women I know (Shannon George.) Sorry to name drop, not like you know her or want to know her. Anyway, this woman is gorgeous to say the least which proves it to me that no man can stay happy with any one single woman without being able to keep his dick in her or his pants. Having seen my parents both have affairs, and some in my own marriage, not gonna name drop here, what is the entire point of being married? No one can stay happy and if they are happy, the other is cheating on them. Now that is a power punched sentence. Now you look back let's just say 60 years, those people have been happily married for years, the women stayed at home and had babies and turned the blind eye to their husbands extra marital fun, yet are still together and happy about it. The days without therapy, Prozac, or the women working movement. Without Eharmony, hot or not, or facebook. Is it just me or is there just too much shit crowding the relationship of two people? What happened to the days where people met on chance, and no they weren't prefect for each other, but they loved each other for who they were and not for what they weren't. Take Eharmony for example, they match you on many dimensions of compatibility... where the hell is the fun in that if you agree on everything? I thought that was half the point of having "another half" If your "other half" is a carbon copy of you... isn't that just you in a different body? As I sit here and sip my Vidration, waiting on the oven to heat up so I can bake my frozen pizzas, I look at my husband in disgust... that's the fun in it. Some days I want to kill him and some days I just want to hug him, today's not one of those days but hey... you never know what day it's gonna be and that's the fun of waking up to another person everyday.. talk to me tomorrow and I'll tell you if I feel like smothering him with his stupid pillow. Wow that was one big ol' ramble but the point of the story, leave poor Tiger and his cheating ways alone, let the family figure out what is going to happen next without every single channel telling us all about it. Don't get me wrong, I do pick up the trashy rag mags and read them selfishly. We all want the life style of the rich and famous, but this goes to show you, weather you have the life style of the rich and famous or the life style of the barely getting by, we all have our problems, they just have more money to throw at each other... we just don't have enough to divorce each other.


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