Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good rainy afternoon

So i've changed my blog name, and it's relative sanity as well. today I feel like moving my computer in front of the window, but I know if I do that I'll have to move my ENTIRE living room around and I'm just not in the mood for that. My  husband is gone for pizza, sounds like the garage door now... It's Sunday, so that means football in this house. hoot hoot, my excitement can barely be contained. I am still on my vidration binge. I don't know why but this water is really better that regular water. If it's better for you than regular water, that's up for debate. But, I never eat or drink anything because it is good for you. How I'm still able to walk around and not be as big as a house, you got be, good genetics maybe? So I've done a little research and I've realized that most blogs have some kind of a point to them. Mine, however, does not. So I'm going to make it a point to think of a good base line for this thing. Before it turns into a monster. As of right now, no one really reads this so it's mostly just my outlet so I don't go insane. So, my 7 almost 8 year old nephew, lets call him Leroy (old childhood nick name, don't ask, because I really don't know.) So Leroy is the biggest little football fan in the world, and just happens to be the biggest fan of Pittsburgh Steelers, who happened to loose to the Cleveland Browns the other day... yeah this should be a blog about football season for the non-football fan, but moving on, before they lost to the Browns, they lost to the Oakland Raiders, yes, the Raiders. O.K. yes I did call him and rub it in his face on how his team is just suckin the big one this year. But mind you, he called me and did his little victory dance when they went to to the Superbowl and won last year. Now me, being from the GREAT state of North Carolina am an AVID Carolina Panthers, and UNC fan. Don't dog us Duke, cause guess what, YOU LOST! I don't know why I have a hate for Duke, my parents are Duke fans and I was actually accepted to Duke University back in the day, never once thought about going to UNC the cheaper of the two schools. Maybe because my husband is the biggest UNC fan in the world. Every t-shirt is a UNC t-shirt, every hat is a UNC Hat. Now when I go out I look for UNC stuff. It's totally funny that my husband isn't even from North Carolina, he was brought there by his loony toon nut case parents, if you can't tell I hate them. I hate his entire crazy ass family, even the ones that married in. You're all fucking stupidly crazy! Me, being born in North Carolina, my parents as well as their parents and theirs etc etc... I have a strong hate for people who call them self Carolinian, and are from like New York or something! You New Yonkey. That's my mix between Yankee and New Yorker, all the same, go back! But his parents, working class type, moved here for a good job. They had 4 natural children and one adopted (took in from the streets) child who is restarted. No I'm not kidding. Are broke, on the verge of bankruptcy and repo every single day, now that all four children have moved out, sorry got kicked out... what kind of mother kicks their kid out on the street? This one... bitch much. One brat moved back in with her half breed Mexican bastard, and yes the father is illegal... WOW. Then one brat moved in with us, this little girl was the baby and handed absolutely everything in her life, because she was daddy's little princess. This kid never did wrong, even when she went to a hotel with 7 guys she didn't know and was the only girl there. Now maybe if you come from a decent place where the kids are good this may not seem so bad to you, but we're in an army town. A room full of 18 year old soldiers. Brilliant move wasn't it? Then the dumb bitch thought she got the clap from a toilet seat. Oh yeah.. Long story short, she got married about six months ago, she's 18 he's 19 going on 2, he won't let her work... this is a prime marriage don't cha think? The next brat is married to the biggest 19 year old woman I've ever met in my entire life. I mean this bitch is HUGE. If I had a picture of her, I surely would put it up so you could get the grand scale of her fat ass. I mean like 400 pound huge. Well, my hubbs and his brother have had there outs, once when he called me a whore, and the next time where he wished I would die in a car crash, lets wish death, OH that's such a grown up card. His mother is completely over emotional and gets that way every single chance she can. Oh she's such a whiner. So long LONG story short his family are a bunch of stupid corn fed mid westerners.  I must let this one out.... I just saw the most preschool move that I've ever seen in my life and I would post the video but I don't want to get sued by the NFL so you'll have to just trust my words. One guy on the Titans got pushed down after the play was over. So another Titan came over and pushed the pusher down. Like really? How old are you? I can just see it, guy got tackled, got up pissed and pushed the tackler down, and one other guy came out of no where and pushed the pusher down. How old are you? I can just see my two year old doing the same exact thing. Wow. OK I'm totally done now, I'll shut up. Until I find something else I find totally irritating or irrationally funny.


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