Thursday, December 10, 2009

You caught me...

Very well, you caught me thinking... So I was googling partial birth abortions. Why, don't ask me... I'm depressed eating gummy life savers (haha) because my mutt dog just died. So, I read up on some past news papers articles and whatta know, Obama and Hilliary Clinton SUPPORT partial birth abortion... OK, lets take a step or two back. First of all no one said that I particularly like Obama or any of his plans per say but this one really gets under my skin... we'll get on "oh I'll get them out of this war." in just a minute. Just so we're all clear on what a partial birth abortion is, and this is my blog so I'm just gonna say it how the hell it is, it's nasty and gruesome and the mothers should have to do it awake, fully alert, with no pain medication... but the world isn't perfect now is it? Anyway, what happens is, the mother decides I don't want this baby after all (past the second trimester I beg you) So the docs put this stuff on the cervix to make it dilate over a few days of course, lets not make anyone uncomfortable... then, flips the baby into a breech position, pulls the child out by the feet, STILL ALIVE MIND YOU, and then sticks a big vacuum cleaner hose into the back of the ALIVE babies neck and sucks the child's brain out so that the head can easily fit through the cervix, remember no pain here.
Now this is what I ask, what would be a good reason for a doctor, mother, president etc. to allow this to happen?? Rape, Sexual Abuse, or just a plain old one night stand? I'm sorry I have morals, I don't think any life should be given or taken, for it's not ours to give or take now is it? Last time I checked I don't walk on water so I don't have any say so... But I spoke my peace

You caught me.


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