Thursday, December 10, 2009

And the recovery

As I promised, I would get to this GOD awful war in a minute or two, so here I am. Lets hit it shall we?
What do I think, OK
As an American, I think it's bullshit.
As an army wife, I think it's bullshit.
As a mother, I really think it's bullshit.
OK, now that I'm done with my bullshitting lets move on I'm gonna go ahead now and fess up, I don't live in New York, I've never been to some fancy writing class that makes me uber witty and smart. In fact, I didn't go to college at all, I live on post housing that the government pays for and lets just go ahead and say it they're some stingy mother fuckers. So don't get all hateful with me on my opinions that's the only freedom I have left that I can afford! So, lets break it down with some facts, yesterday afternoon I was reading the Army Times at my kitchen table and I literally almost fell out of my chair when I was faced with these numbers... Here we go, no turning back now....

We're just gonna start with the Iraq war, I'm sorry we're not at war with them are we... we're just there, getting shot at and blown up, but that's not war, no no...

Since War began (3-19-03) 4,368
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5-1-03) 4,229
Since Capture of Saddam (12-13-03) 3,905
Since Handover (6-29-04) 3,509
Since Obama (12-1-09) 140

Ok, so now we know the numbers of the boys over there, what about the boys over here?
On average in the U.S. there is 18 Veteran suicides a DAY.
I don't know if you noticed but my husband keeps coming home with more papers saying don't leave your buddy to suffer alone. I won't even go into the Afghanistan war right now because frankly it's late and my back hurts and I'm already pissed off. Now, before you start thinking oh this broad is oh so unpatriotic, no that's not it at all, I don't know about you, but it's kinda hard on a marriage and on your kids especially when daddy or mommy is around one year and gone the next and sometimes don't come back. What do you explain to your children then? Mommy or Daddy died because they're hero's? I don't know many Iraqi war veterans that think they are hero's. Now, if you are one, and you disagree, by all means GREAT for you! You should think you're a Hero. What about PTSD, a really good movie is out in the theaters today, and It's called "brothers." I think it really gives you a REAL glimpse into a service members spouses daily life. The dreaded door bell, and if that door bell never rings, what to do once they come home? Nights of cold sweats, the 1000 yard stare... Once I actually caught my husband sleeping in his boots, nope not because he was way too tired to take them off, he just forgot where he was. That says a lil don't cha think? If you're home for any amount of time and you "forget" where you are... NOT to mention that Obama has NEVER not once served in any of our armed forces. Hey, just a little food for thought. As for tomorrow, we'll just have to wait and see. Won't be too long before this turns into my husband's deployed for the 3rd time and it's bullshit blog.


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